Proof that Lyme Disease is Actually Turning People into Zombies

So the other night I didn’t fall asleep until well past 3:30 AM!!!  As I lay awake pondering the great mysteries of this crazy mixed-up life, I began to realize that I am, in fact, turning into a zombie.  A real live zombie.  Actually, a dead one because that’s what zombies are.  Okay, so you’re probably doing a facepalm right now and you don’t believe me, but I honestly used to doubt the existence of zombies before too.  But now. . . .   Consider these proofs and decide for yourself:

1. Our eyes are bloodshot.

bloodshot eyes







Now, now, I know what you’re thinking! “Those bloodshot eyes are from the insomnia.”  But what if in actuality our eyes are bloodshot because we’re turning into zombies, and the insomnia is just a coincidence?!

2. We look like this in the morning:


Zombies don’t like to get up in the morning, that’s one of the main reasons why they look so dead!!!!  Thus, we are turning into zombies!!! :O

3. Zombies are made by a virus!


Ta-dah!  There you have it! Lyme disease is contracted by the infectious bite of a tick!!  Ticks are like wherewolfs–if you get bit, you become something else!! 

4. Zombies are characterized by a constant state of decay.

zombie II

Does this not describe the physical state of an undiagnosed Lymie?!

5. We limp and drag ourselves—just like zombies do!!


What if the real reason we’re limping is because we’re turning into zombies?! It might not be long now before I start dragging my leg around behind me.. . . just like fellow zombies.


There you have it!  Lyme disease is not actually Lyme Disease. . . It’s zombie disease in which the people inflicted by it slowly and progressively are turning into zombies.  I am so glad that I am getting treatment–I would hate to become a horrible zombie!  But just think of all the sick people out there who are really just undiagnosed Lymies?!  WE COULD HAVE A ZOMBIE EPIDEMIC ON OUR HANDS!!!  And that is why it’s so important raise awareness of Lyme Disease!!!




3 thoughts on “Proof that Lyme Disease is Actually Turning People into Zombies

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  1. I had similar thoughts when I picked up Lyme Disease last November (, although I caught it early enough to not suffer any symptoms (I actually caught the tick in the act of biting me, I happen to work with people who do research on the disease and I had a Doctor who listened to me when I told them what I thought I had – without this I might not have realised until more serious symptoms kicked in much later). Good luck with getting over this very nasty disease.

  2. Makes sense to me why I related so quickly to The Walking Dead. However I did notice those ummm “fake tv zombies” could actually outpace me by a landslide….and they seemed to have a bit more focus. Yes I guess they were more highly functioning zombies/walkers….AND they even looked exactly like me at one point…lol Thanks for the truth 🙂 I knew it….the Zombie Appocolyse has arrived!!!! 🙂 under the government name of Operation Lyme Disease.

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