Cognitivo Es No Bueno

In my most recent posts, I've been declaring to the world how I'm so much better and will be fully recovered soon!  This is still true; but I still have a few symptoms that are bothering me.  One of the most obvious ones lately has been my cognitive function.  I seem to be spilling everything... Continue Reading →

(Funny) Tips to Not Getting Lyme Disease

1. Don't go anywhere.  And don't let your pets go anywhere. Basically becoming a hermit is your best option.  Gather your pets around you and lock the doors, convince the pets to hibernate if you must. Quit your job and mail order your groceries.  Or just order pizza repetitively.  The world outside is dangerously full... Continue Reading →

Them Pills and Giraffe Ties

Well, I'm back on my antibiotics.  I had a few days' break from taking them, because my pharmacy was being extra-slow in re-filling them. . . that and I kind of waited until I was out of them to ask for a refill. : P I've learned a bit from the experience.  Outside of the... Continue Reading →

Nine Reasons Why I’m Super Weird

1. I devour knowledge. It's true.  I'm a knowledge junkie.  I study in my free time, for fun.  And I don't stick to one subject either.  I study anything and everything.  Biology, History, genetics, biochemistry, mineralogy,  meteorology; you name it, I've studied it.  I'll read biographies, text books, magazines, novels, etc.  I was that weird... Continue Reading →

Memory Funnies

Okay, so you might feel guilty laughing at this post because it has to do with my illness.  But let's face it, being absent-minded makes for rather humorous occurrences.  Have you seen Finding Nemo?  The movie would be boring if Dory could remember stuff.  So!  In an effort to spread smiles, this post has funny... Continue Reading →

Lymie Pick Up Lines

My recent posts weren't as happy-go-lucky, so I decided to dedicate this post to humor--Lymie humor!  🙂  The following list are Lymie pick-up lines! 🙂 Hey, girl!  What's your name?. . .Wait, what was it again?. . . Can you repeat that? You and me, we click--like my knees and hip. Hey girl!  Can I... Continue Reading →

The Fog Rolls In

Brain Fog dead ahead!!  Turn back now lest your thoughts be battered to mush and your actions be irrational!!  -__________-  I HATE brain fog.  For those of you who do not have Lyme (or another brain fog-inducing illness), I will attempt to explain the feeling of having brain fog. On a clear day, your thoughts... Continue Reading →

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