Grateful for Mundane Miracles

As I drove my car away from a friend's house tonight it occurred to me that I was driving at night without any problems. Not only that, I realized it had been a long time since I sat behind the wheel at night without even thinking about it. I took a moment to marvel at... Continue Reading →

Hope in Times of Illness: When You Feel like Your Recovery Has Taken a Step Back

I have had those moments where I felt like I had taken a step back or 'reverted'.  It's so frustrating and disappointing to be feeling worse instead of better. You have to adjust your plans or scrap them completely to allow time to rest and ease the pain or other symptoms bothering you. It can... Continue Reading →

Cognitivo Es No Bueno

In my most recent posts, I've been declaring to the world how I'm so much better and will be fully recovered soon!  This is still true; but I still have a few symptoms that are bothering me.  One of the most obvious ones lately has been my cognitive function.  I seem to be spilling everything... Continue Reading →

What I Wish Healthy People Knew

I've been a bit silent in my blogging lately.  I intend to give an update in a bit, but first I want to share something I found today that I thought was written quite well.  On the blog, Hope For the Journey, Kimberly Rae shares a list of things she wishes healthy people knew.  Looking... Continue Reading →

Them Pills and Giraffe Ties

Well, I'm back on my antibiotics.  I had a few days' break from taking them, because my pharmacy was being extra-slow in re-filling them. . . that and I kind of waited until I was out of them to ask for a refill. : P I've learned a bit from the experience.  Outside of the... Continue Reading →

I Want My Brain Back

I have spent over 5 hours today working on writing one paragraph to post to an online discussion for my class.  ONE PARAGRAPH?!  Ugh! I had to re-read the post I was replying to, and re-read it again, and again, each time trying to understand what exactly he was saying so that I could reply... Continue Reading →

Everything is stupid Today

This post won't make much sense.  My brain is short-circuiting today.  Also I'm gonna be ranting in this post, so if you're having a good day then don't read this. Go be happy instead. I feel like crap.  I'm in a lot of pain from my pinky toes up to my earlobes.  I'm nauseous and... Continue Reading →

Ho Hum

Well, after an amazing weekend (the beach, Bible Study, Church, and a midterm!)  I find myself not feeling so good.  I feel really hot, mostly in my head.  I'm really nauseous  and I have a head ache.  😛  I feel weak and crummy enough that I haven't really left the couch today. . . Also... Continue Reading →

What Chronic Illness Has Given me

Below is a list of the things five years of chronic illness have given me.  As you read it, please keep in mind that I am not claiming to have achieved perfection in these areas.  I am saying that through living with chronic late-stage Lyme Disease I have experienced incredible growth in these areas.  I... Continue Reading →

The Search for Co-infections

On Monday I had my third appointment with my LLMD.  Because Doctor's Day was on Saturday, I brought along with me a bouquet of bright yellow tulips for the Doc and a plate of brownies, cookies, and candies for everybody there.  They loved it of course and told me so quite a lot. The Doc... Continue Reading →

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