Overcoming Fear

What if I feel sick and I have to leave early?  What will people think of me?  What if I faint in the middle of my speech?  What if the pain gets worse?  What if I never get better?  What if something happens to my family?  What if God has an even worse trial planned for... Continue Reading →

Return to Me My Little Sheep

An original song written by LymeDiseaseWarrior on October 3rd, 2011.  Return to Me My Little Sheep Return to me, my little sheep— You who wandered away. Come back to my path, Come back to my light, Let me lead you again. Return to me, my little sheep— You who thought your way was better. But... Continue Reading →

He is Always There [Poem]

An original song written in 2012 by Beth Leung He is Always There When everything is stripped away And you feel as though no one is left God is still there. In your moments of desperation In all your agony and fear Out-springs your sweetest hours of prayer. When you've gone as far as you... Continue Reading →

A Prayer from Last Year

The following is an excerpt from my diary written on September 9th, 2012.  At the time I was still undiagnosed, I was living away from home and attending college; my illness was steadily growing much worse.  I hope you will be encouraged as you read through the worries I wrestled with and how God answered... Continue Reading →

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